Shetland is a little known destination for rock climbers, but there is something here for everyone, whether you're a complete beginner or a more advanced climber.

In Shetland, you can climb the most northerly rock climb in the UK, as well as make first ascents of new routes. You can bathe in glorious sunsets and climb at midnight during the Simmer Dim (the summer twilight). There are undiscovered crags all-round the islands, wildly exciting seas, beautiful skies and a whole world of adventure and exhilaration just waiting to be found.

There is nowhere else in the UK where it is possible to climb on so many different types of rock in such a small area, and nowhere else where you will feel as if you are climbing on the very edge of the world.

The cliffs face in all directions, so you can climb wherever the wind is coming from, and access to the cliffs is anything from stomach-churning abseils into the unknown to gentle strolls across pebble beaches.

The black, towering cliffs at Eshaness contain the most spectacular routes on Shetland, with the added excitement of the North Atlantic snapping at your heels, whilst those on Ronas Hill give secluded and peaceful climbing in a moorland environment.

Where to climb in Shetland?

  • For a list of up to date climbs in Shetland, visit the Climb Shetland website. You can also follow them on the Climb Shetland Facebook page.
  • There’s also a list of routes on the Shetland Climbing website. This website is no longer updated regularly but you can still buy the Shetland Climbing Guidebook via various online retailers.
  • There’s also a climbing wall with nine roped lines and 36 routes at West Mainland Leisure Centre.