Attracted by the incredible wildlife, beautiful landscapes, and warm welcome, television presenter Kate Humble is passionate about Shetland. Why not follow in Kate's footsteps and experience Shetland's unique charms for yourself?

Kate Humble is a familiar face on our television screens, hosting popular shows including Countryfile, Springwatch, and Lambing Live. She is also a regular visitor to Shetland, attracted by the islands’ array of amazing wildlife, spectacular coastlines, and thriving communities.

We recently caught up with Kate to find out more about what she loves about the islands and captured her thoughts in the wonderful film and blog posts below. Along the way she spoke to Shetlanders who shared their passion for the islands. Hearing from people who are equally enthusiastic about Shetland’s birds, otters, orcas, geology, heritage, and even the wild skies overhead, Kate discovered more about what makes Shetland so special all year round.

We hope you enjoy hearing about Kate Humble’s Shetland adventures. If you’re inspired to discover more about our Islands of Opportunity, sign up to receive one of our regular newsletters.

Wild about Shetland

Kate Humble's Shetland album

Make the move to Shetland

Shetland's vibrant communities, dynamic modern economy, and spectacular rugged landscapes, make the islands an excellent place to live and work.

Without almost 1,700 miles of coastline, inland lochs and amazing wildlife you won't grow tired of exploring in Shetland.

And there are many exciting career opportunities ranging from our flourishing traditional and creative industries to the cutting edge renewable energy and satellite launch sectors, as well as innovative public sector roles.

What's more, with highly regarded schools, eight well-equipped leisure centres and a thriving network of sports, music and social clubs around the islands, Shetland is an excellent place to bring up a family.

Discover more about the free-spirited and dynamic approach to life in Shetland by reading the stories of some of those who have made the move.