If you're a dentist looking for a new role, why not consider Shetland? Read the features below to find out more about dental roles in Shetland and to discover what living and working as a dentist in the islands is like.

With a shortage of dentists in Shetland, now is the perfect time to join NHS Shetland as a public dentist or open your own dental practice in the islands.

Benefits of becoming a dentist in Shetland include:

  • Access to up to £9,000 Remote Areas Allowance, on top of your annual salary
  • Access to grants and financial help through the Scottish Dental Access Initiative
  • On-the-job training and a chance to upskill while in post
  • Job variety and the opportunity to work across a range of island communities
  • A stress-free commute to work
  • The perfect work/life balance

Get in touch

If you're interested in becoming a dentist in Shetland, the islands have three General Dental Practices and the NHS Shetland Public Dental Service. To discuss opportunities, please contact the following:

NHS Shetland Public Dental Service
Antony M. Visocchi
Director of Dentistry, NHS Shetland
Phone: +44 (0)1595 743043
Email: antony.visocchi@nhs.scot

General Dental Practices

Lerwick Dental Practice
4 Market St, Lerwick, Shetland ZE1 0JN
Phone: +44 (0)1595 690265

Family Dental
47 North Rd, Lerwick, Shetland ZE1 0NT
Phone: +44 (0)1595 695225
Email: Stefan Arora; stefanarora@outlook.com

Find out more about living and working in Shetland